Elīna Sundukova’s work
Mart Paadik’s work
Lauri Laanisto’s work
Voldemārs Šķēle’s work
Dialectics of Outside and Inside
An exhibition of artists and non-artists
Elīna Sundukova
Lauri Laanisto
Mart Paadik
Voldemārs Šķēle
Outside and inside form a dialectic of division! Yet, despite their mutual resistance both depend upon one another for the sake of preserving their identities. “Outside and inside form a dialectic of division, the obvious geometry of which binds us as soon as we bring it into play in metaphorical domains.”
Dialectics of Outside and Inside draws on the experiences of the artist to explore in greater detail the relationships existing between the outsider and insider, and the idea of belonging more broadly. To do so, Razavi brings together artists and non-artists, the ones within the institutionalized art scene and the ones left out of it. Razavi invites non-artists from Latvia and Estonia to exhibit their works next to hers within the context of a contemporary art exhibition. The exhibition takes place in Valga/Valka, the border town between Latvia and Estonia and in Valga Museum, itself an outsider to the contemporary art scene.